This is one of my favorite projects Ive done hands down! It made my bedroom look so much bigger and brighter, I just absolutely love it. I feel more like a grown up hehe. While I love it, it was crazy frustrating to do. See, with this project alllllll those squares have to be literally perfect. If one board is crooked and messed up-they all will be. So your measurements have to be EXACT! Now, while I dont have a ton of photos to show you, as when im doing a project I get really into it and forget to document it all.. I will show you how I (with a little help from the hubby) made our bedroom DIY Grid Wall! First is picking the size of your boards. I went with 1x3 as the 1x2 felt too skinny and the 1x4 felt too bulky and wouldn't give me the look I was going for. So off to my second home- HomeDepot for some wood with little miss Emma (she loves this store just like her mama). With the wood only being $1.50, each I was happy how small my total was. All of them were 8f...