I constantly go between wanting my kids to be little forever, and being excited about all the things they’ll do in this life.
When your kids are little, you are so loved—smothered, even. So much that sometimes you need to come up for air. But those little kids that need you so much end up pulling away completely left you wondering when they grew up so fast!
When they sit on your lap or crawl in bed with you, you have no idea if it will be the last time. Today may be the last day your baby wants to nurse. It may be the last time they need you to lie down with them when they have a bad dream. It may be the last year they want you to hold their hand walking them to school.
It's funny how the same moments that make us want our child to be a bit more independent can make us the most nostalgic when those moments are over.
There will come a day when they start thanking you for all you've done. There will come a day when they ask you for relationship advice. There will come a day when you see them at their wedding. There will come a day when they introduce you to your grandkid.
Kids grow so fast, things change so much. You will definitely miss them being little, but them growing up and seeing how great they turn out to be is still pretty amazing!
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